Holiday rentals with beach access in Center District
Find and book unique accommodation with beach access on Airbnb
Top-rated Accommodation with Beach Access in Center District
Guests agree: These holiday homes with beach access are highly rated for location, cleanliness and more.
Holiday rentals for every style
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Popular amenities for Center District Accommodation with Beach Access
Apartment rentals with beach access

An amazing beach view city-center get-away
Marva's place was absolutely fantastic. The location was perfect for us, just a short walk from the beach and the synagogue where we prayed. The house was clean, cozy, warm, and spaciousโeverything we needed for a comfortable stay. Marva was an exceptionally welcoming, kind, and considerate host, ensuring we felt right at home. We highly recommend this place and would gladly stay here again!

Homey Sea View, Fully Renovated 2024, By the Beach
This was by far my best Airbnb experience in Israel. Besides the lovely view and apartment, Shakes is a great host. Responsive and immediately solve any issue. The apartment was also well equipped in everyday necessary from multiple towels to washing machine soap which make life much more convenience.

Stunning 2-bedrooms, ocean front
Very nice apartment, layout was a bit funky, but very functional. Kitchen was well supplied, including coffee and tea. Good climate control.Across from an okay to good pizza place.

ROYAL BEACH Residence tower / Full SeaView 2BR APT
Great property,awesomeness location,extremely well kept, great host , easy to communicate with and very responsive. We will be back.

#SeaFront 3Bedrooms Duplex w/ POOL |By SweetyGuest
Great apartment across from a beautiful beach, easy parking, responsive host.

Stylish two Suites Close To The Beach
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Boutique studio apartment
Lior was kind and attentive, accommodating my needs, including a flexible check-in. The listing is great, with a smart use of spaceโhaving the bed up the stairs makes it feel open yet functional. The apartment is well-equipped, with everything you need in the kitchen, shower, and bedding essentials. It was very clean, and the location is excellent. Highly recommended!

Apartment in Tel Aviv Beach View
The apartment has Wonderful view and is well equiped. There is a lot of construction in the surrounding streets and the building itself needs renovations. But everything that relates to the owner was perfect. Will surely return if possible.
Holiday House Rentals with beach access

home beside the beach
We had the most amaizing holiday in Talis place! The house is situated in a beautiful quiet area, close to the most stunning beaches. The villa itself is spacious and has everything you need. The pool was the best!! big size in lovely garden. Talis husband was always available for questions at any time of day or night. Thank you Tali and Amos, a summer not to be forgotten!

Villa in Netanya
Great location with lots of bedrooms. Very responsive and kind host. Would stay here again!

Beatiful Villa On the Jaffa Beach waterfront
great place. magnificent house with great garden and excellent location. near the beach. quite side street bit away from the center. Great hosts. very clean and well equipped. roomy (we a family of six felt space for everyone). recommend highly!

Beautiful Home with Ocean View
Joey was an excellent host and super responsive. Everything was perfect!

How to write this review without it becoming a novel of gratitude... Just book this place. I stayed here with a group of friends for a week and it was truly a magical experience. Dorit's (Darya's mother) hospitality was truly unlike anything any of us have experienced on airbnb before. Super lovely and kind and sweet and caring. She was not only helpful with tips and guidance to the city but also generous. The house is her home. And she really made it feel like it was ours within a matter of minutes. Honestly, if I could give it 6/5 I would. I give this place 6 out of 5.

Ocean View Paradise
We love staying in Yishaiโs home in Netanya. Great location, homie modern vibe, clean and functional. We looking forward to coming back bH

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Cozy Family House in Herzliya Pituah Near Beach
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Holiday condos with beach access

Luxury garden apartment near the beach
Vanesa's place was better than advertised. Nice, modern unit with excellent kitchen & bathroom facilities. Laundry worked quite well also. The neighborhood has many coffee shops & restaurants as well as food markets to stock the kitchen. Excellent location very close to Ben Gurion/Dizengoff & the beach is easily walkable. You will enjoy your stay here.

Apartment in the center of TLV
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Sunny Luxury with private lift@City Center
Incredible host, very accommodating and responsive

Spacious apartment with breathtaking sea view
Gostei muito da casa me semtir muito bem . Tudo limpo.

Beautiful 2-bedroom condo in the heart of Tel Aviv
This apartment was great for our visit to Tel Aviv! The apartment was fully equipped and had plenty of space. Amir was a great host - he was extremely responsive and helpful throughout our stay. I will be recommending this airbnb to friends traveling to Tel Aviv!

Elegant by The Beach, Top Location with Parking
Illana's flat is absolutely stunning - from the spacious and comfortable rooms (spotlessly clean and with everything you could possibly need) to the breathtaking and panoramic views of the beach, sea and sunsets from the large balcony. The flat is in a fabulous position, within walking distance of many places and well served by cafes and restaurants on it's doorstep. We loved every minute of our stay and would definitely return to such a gorgeous apartment. Illana was a responsive and very helpful host - Rosina and Simon

Brand new lovely designed 2br apartment
Excellent comfortable and functional apartment on the edge of the flea market, close to the sea. New building with everything you need. Thoroughly enjoy our stay. Recommended.

It was the perfect place for our family. A beautiful penthouse apartment. The pictures don't even do it justice. It is a very large space, enough for 7 of us to hang out and not be on top of each other. I couldn't get my kids out of the pool. Also, there was so much in the apartment to help make us feel at home. Toys, enough towels for us to entertain guests for a day swim. It is also very close to the beach. We would definitely stay here again.
Destinations to explore
- Rentals with beach accessย Israel
- Rentals with a hot tubย Center District
- House rentalsย Center District
- Beachfront rentalsย Center District
- Rentals with outdoor seatingย Center District
- Rentals with a saunaย Center District
- Rentals with lake accessย Center District
- Fitness-friendly rentalsย Center District
- Rentals with a fire pitย Center District
- Hotel rentalsย Center District
- Monthly Rentalsย Center District
- Rentals with a washing machine and dryerย Center District
- Loft rentalsย Center District
- Rentals with poolsย Center District
- Aparthotel rentalsย Center District
- Rentals with an accessible height bedย Center District
- Apartment rentalsย Center District
- Townhouse rentalsย Center District
- Serviced apartment rentalsย Center District
- Kid-friendly rentalsย Center District
- Rentals with a fireplaceย Center District
- Guesthouse rentalsย Center District
- Rentals with breakfastย Center District
- Family-friendly rentalsย Center District
- Villa rentalsย Center District
- Waterfront rentalsย Center District
- Condo rentalsย Center District
- Private suite rentalsย Center District
- Rentals with an EV chargerย Center District
- Rentals with a home theatreย Center District
- Rentals with a patioย Center District
- Pet-friendly rentalsย Center District
- Smoking-friendly rentalsย Center District
- Rentals with beach accessย Tel Aviv-Yafo
- Yurt Rentalsย United States
- Yurt Rentalsย United Kingdom
- Castle Rentalsย United States
- Houseboatsย United States
- Holiday Caravansย United Kingdom
- Private Island Rentalsย United States
- Farm Housesย United States
- Farm Cottagesย United Kingdom
- Cabin Rentalsย Australia
- Luxury Cabinsย United Kingdom
- Luxury Cabinsย United States
- Holiday Chaletsย United Kingdom
- Cottage Rentalsย United States
- Holiday Cottagesย United Kingdom
- Mansion Rentalsย United States
- Villa Rentalsย United Kingdom
- Holiday Bungalowsย United Kingdom
- Bungalow Rentalsย United States
- Condo Rentalsย United States
- Holiday Apartmentsย Australia
- Holiday Housesย United States
- Holiday Housesย United Kingdom
- Private Holiday Rentalsย United Kingdom
- Big House Rentalsย United States
- Big Cottagesย Australia
- Large Villasย United Kingdom
- House Rentals with a Poolย United States
- Cabin Rentals with a Poolย United States
- Villas with a Poolย United Kingdom
- Apartments with a Hot Tubย United States
- Holiday Cottages with a Hot Tubย United Kingdom
- Beach Cabinsย United States
- Beach Condosย United States
- Beachfront Rentalsย United States
- Beach Housesย United Kingdom
- Beach Villasย United Kingdom
- Coastal Cottagesย United Kingdom
- Pet-Friendly Vacation Rentalsย United States
- Pet-Friendly Beach Rentalsย United States
- Pet-Friendly Cabin Rentalsย United States
- Dog-Friendly Cottagesย United Kingdom
- Luxury Dog-Friendly Cottagesย United Kingdom