Expand your Host network

Find Hosts in your community with online and in-person marketing.
By Airbnb on 12 Dec 2023
2 min read
Updated 12 Dec 2023

With a strong local presence, you’ll improve your ability to discover Hosts who need your help. A mix of online and in-person marketing helps Hosts learn about your availability and spreads the word about your co‑hosting services.

Finding Hosts who want support

Though Hosts can always find you through the experienced co‑Host landing page, it’s smart to network with Hosts in your community. Some successful co‑Hosts have started a LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook page for their co‑hosting services.

Try to find opportunities to attend in-person networking events, where you may come across Hosts who are searching for co‑Hosts in your area.

Jimmy, an experienced co‑Host in Palm Springs, California, says he’s found Hosts 'mainly just by word of mouth from my local area.' You might discover a Host when you least expect it: Jimmy recently found two new properties through his pool cleaner.

Dominic, an experienced co‑Host in Cornwall, England, has had a similar experience. 'It’s just been organic,' he says. 'And it’s been a pace that I’ve been able to manage.'

Once you’ve established yourself, you can find ways to set yourself apart. This could include creating things like:

  • A newsletter or blog to keep Hosts updated

  • A welcome kit for guests

  • Personalised services for Hosts or guests

  • A guide of local discounts

Sending referrals

If you find a Host outside of the experienced co‑Host services platform, you could consider inviting them to partner with you by sending them a referral link from your experienced co‑Host platform dashboard. Though you don’t have to add a new Host to your requests tab, this can be an effective way to stay organised.

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.

12 Dec 2023
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